Suffering in silence

This report highlights what people have told the Healthwatch network about their experience of making a complaint about health and social care services.


According to the official records, there were 174,872 complaints about the NHS in 2013/14.

Yet through our research and our conversations with patients, care users and the public, we found that fewer than half of those who experience poor care actually report it. 

Using the views of the public, this report identifies where and why things are not working and, most importantly, how people want things done differently. 


You can also download this report in easy read. We have a summary of the report available, which you can also find in Large Print. 

If you need this in a different format, please email or call 03000 68 3000.

Suffering in silence
Suffering in silence in Easy Read
Suffering in silence - summary
Suffering in silence - summary in Large Print

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