Shaping our future

We are now developing our strategy for 2018 - 2023. This consultation document sets out our proposals for our future direction.
Shaping Our Future - Our Strategy 2018-2023 Front Cover


We are now developing our strategy for 2018 - 2023.

Between June and September 2017, we asked the public, professionals and local Healthwatch a number of questions to help shape our future focus.

This consultation document sets out what people told us, as well as our proposals for our future direction, which have been shaped by the feedback we received.

Between November 2017 and January 2018 we then invited people to share their views about our future proposals.

We would like thank everyone who shared their views. Our final strategy will publish in 2018. 


You can also find this consultation document in Easy Read. If you need this in a different format, please email or call 03000 68 3000.

Shaping our future
Shaping our future in Easy Read

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