How we help you

Healthwatch is your health and social care champion.

If you use health services or need care, we want to hear about your experiences. We have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. We can also help you to find reliable and trustworthy advice and information.

Last year we helped over a million people like you to have your say and get the support you need.

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The power of your feedback

We use your feedback to better understand the challenges facing the NHS and other care providers nationally, to make sure your experiences improve health and care services for everyone. We can also help you to get the information and advice and you need to make the right decisions for you and to get the support you deserve.

It’s really important that you share your experiences – whether good or bad, happy or sad. If you’ve had a negative experience, it’s easy to think there’s no point in complaining and that ‘nothing ever changes’. Or, if you’ve had a great experience, that you ‘wish you could say thank you’. Remember, your feedback is helping to improve people’s lives. So if you need advice or are ready to tell your story – we’re here to listen.

Share your story

Your local Healthwatch

Wherever you live in England, you’ll have a local Healthwatch nearby (there are over 150 across the country). We’re here to listen to the issues that really matter to local communities and to hear about your experiences of using health and social care services. We’re entirely independent and impartial, and any information you share with us is confidential.

Find your local Healthwatch

Making a difference locally

Your local Healthwatch are making a difference in your community. Find out some of the amazing projects they have carried out over the last year. 

Check out their impact

Our plans for the year 

Learn about our goals for the year ahead and how we’re changing the way we work to better support you.

Read our plans

Our strategy 

Our strategy sets out the difference we want to make to your experiences of health and social care services.

Read our strategy

Our history and functions

Find out more about the difference between Healthwatch England and local Healthwatch, and why we were set up.

Read about our history

Our evidence

To champion the public's views, we act on clear, informed evidence of their health and social care experiences. Find out what evidence we use and how.

Read about our evidence

Three Healthwatch employees speak to each other at a conference.

Meet our Committee

Find out more about our Committee.

Meet our Committee

Three people looking at a replica of a brain

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