1. Advice and Information -

    Your mental wellbeing is as important as your physical health but seeking help can be daunting. Here's what to expect when you seek support for your mental health.
  2. News -

    Last year 4,700 people gave up their time to help make a difference to local health and care. This Volunteers' Week we spoke to Healthwatch Somerset about the difference our volunteers make and why we need more people to get involved.
  3. Response -

    Here we share how organisations from across the health and care sector have responded to our report 'What's it like to live in a care home?'.
  4. Response -

    From 25 May 2018 people will be given the choice to opt out of sharing their patient information with the NHS for reasons other than their individual care. Read our response.
  5. News -

    It’s Volunteers’ Week and we want to say thank you to the 4,700 people who volunteered for Healthwatch last year. Read Oriana’s story to find out what it’s like to be a Healthwatch volunteer.
  6. Response -

    A new briefing from QualityWatch looks at the number of emergency readmissions to hospital. The report found there was a 41.3% rise in the number of people returning to hospital for "potentially preventable" conditions.
  7. Response -

    Today, the CQC published a new report "Driving improvement: Case studies from nine adult social care services", which provides an insight into care services that achieved a significant improvement on their rating.
  8. Response -

    Our National Director responds to NHS plans to improve patient care by cutting long hospital stays.
  9. Report -

    Find out more about how we collect, process and store data.
  10. News -

    Healthwatch East Sussex recently hit the news for the fantastic response they received as a result of their plea for volunteers. They tell us the secret of their success.
  11. News -

    Five people and groups have been shortlisted for a national award that celebrates local people who, through their dedication, have helped improve health and care for their community.
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    Thanks to Errol, more men in Bristol are aware of the signs of prostate cancer and are being diagnosed and treated.
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    After struggling to find the right information when choosing a care home for his mum, Tony decided to take matters into his own hands.
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    Becky felt there wasn’t enough mental health support for people her age, and decided something needed to change.
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    Thanks to Sandra, NHS England is improving the way they communicate with people who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
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    Thanks to a group of families in Hertfordshire, changes are being made to respite care and support for families of children with complex needs.
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    In the run up to the 70th anniversary of the NHS, we are joining in the celebrations with the launch of a new award to recognise the outstanding contributions of health and care staff towards improving patient care. ​​​​​​​
  18. News -

    To help celebrate 70 years of the NHS we're collecting 70 stories of how people's experiences are being used by health and care services and professionals to help make them better.
  19. Response -

    New report from the Care Quality Commission looks at how well health and social care services are working together across 20 local authority areas.
  20. Blog -

    We have worked with the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, as part of the Quality Matters initiative, to help make it easier for the public and professionals to understand how to make and respond to social care complaints.
  21. Advice and Information -

    Here we look at six things you should expect when making a complaint about social care services.
  22. Report -

    Find out more about our plans for 2018/19.
  23. News -

    After reviewing over 170 entries, we are pleased to announce all of the finalists for the Healthwatch Network Awards 2018.
  24. News -

    Working with older people, their families and care experts, the charity Independent Age has developed a set of quality indicators which Healthwatch Camden helped test during their visits to local care homes.
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    Health and social care services are changing to become more efficient and better at providing the support that people want. If services are to get these changes right, it is important that they work with local people to give them a say in decisions.
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    With the help of 101 local Healthwatch, we heard from over 3,000 people who shared their stories with us about their experiences of the discharge process.
  27. Report -

    Find out what more about what we'll be talking about at our public Committee Meeting.
  28. News -

    After being told by patients that local GPs weren’t meeting the needs of patients with communication difficulties, one local Healthwatch decided to take action.
  29. Report -

    Each local Healthwatch works in an area with its own unique issues but there are specific statutory activities which every local Healthwatch must undertake and it is important that this work is consistent.
  30. News -

    We want to know more about your experience of mental health support when planning to get pregnant, during pregnancy, at the birth of your child and afterwards.
  31. News -

    Read our report that highlights what we found when we analysed the mental health care experiences that over 34,000 people shared with us.
  32. Report -

    For the past three years, mental health has been the number one health and social care issue for the Healthwatch network. Take a look to see what people have told Healthwatch about their experiences.
  33. Blog -

    We want to help people in danger of self-harm and suicide, making sure they get the support they need. Your story can help.
  34. News -

    New research suggests a lack of information and support is preventing people from thinking about the care they may want or need in the future.
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    In the 70th year of the NHS, Healthwatch is turning its attention to the future, asking the public some big questions about what they want health and care in England to look like.
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    Our new briefing published today brings together the views and experiences of 5,447 carers from over 27 communities across England.
  37. Report -

    Our briefing published today brings together the views and experiences of 5,447 carers from over 27 communities across England. Take a look to see what people told Healthwatch about their experiences.
  38. News -

    The Healthwatch network came together to recognise some of the fantastic work of local community champions helping to improve the country’s hospitals, GPs and care services.
  39. News -

    Hundreds of people from across the Healthwatch Network joined us at our sixth Annual Conference in Stratford-Upon-Avon.
  40. Report -

    Read our award winning stories from this year's Healthwatch Network Awards.
  41. Blog -

    Politicians often talk about the health service as being ‘our NHS’. But if it truly belongs to us then it’s time for a shift in the relationship.
  42. Report -

    Find out what the public have been telling us about health and social care over the last three months.
  43. Report -

    Attended Healthwatch 2018 and wanted to look back at some of the presentations from the sessions? Here we share supporting materials from the day.