What are people’s top five health and care issues for 2016?

The work of the Healthwatch network is shaped by the concerns that local people raise with 152 local Healthwatch. Our annual survey of health and care priorities reveals the five top issues for 2016.
Essential services infographic

Everything Healthwatch says and does is informed by our connections to people in every town, city and county in England.

This list of priorities for 2016, compiled in November and December this year, will shape our work over the next 12 months.

1. Mental health services

Access to and the quality of mental health services has been raised as a priority by more than half of local Healthwatch, making it the number one issue for 2016.

Collectively local Healthwatch highlight a range of concerns, citing reports from the public about lengthy waiting times for treatment referral, GPs ‘not understanding’ their mental health needs and a lack of community and crisis care.

2. Primary care services

Although mental health came first, it was closely followed by last year’s top issue which was primary care, in particular access to GPs and NHS dentists, with 76 local Healthwatch continuing to highlight it as a key issue for next year.

3. Social care services

58 local Healthwatch named social care services, including the quality of care homes and home care services, as a key priority for 2016.

4. Services working better together

At number four, people told local Healthwatch that they would like to see health and social care services working better together so that they receive a more seamless service.

5. Hospital discharge

Ensuring people are discharged at the right time and are provided with the right support to recover effectively remains one of the public's top priorities in health and care.

What have people told us about mental health services so far?

Our early research , identified a strong desire from the public to work with health professionals to design services that deliver more responsive and flexible low level mental health support. This will give people more of what they need to stay well and ease pressure on hard pressed GPs.

Suggestions put forward by the public included:

  • Enabling people to ‘self-refer’ rather than having to go through a GP to access mental health support.
  • Offering in-house counselling services through GP surgeries so that there is greater collaboration to promote physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Working with family doctors to ensure staff are better trained to recognise mental health problems early and help people reach support.
  • Greater focus in schools to educate young people about mental health and the support out there to help avoid problems developing.
  • Better use of peer support arrangements – to call on the experiences of past patients to help others dealing with similar mental health challenges.

Local Healthwatch have already identified a number of areas where new approaches to mental health are being trialled but we want to see much greater focus in 2016 of commissioners working with the public to develop new and more efficient ways of delivering services designed around people’s wants and needs.

Commenting our Chief Executive, Katherine Rake, said:

“As attitudes to mental health change and some of the stigma begins to fade away, health bosses need to use this opportunity to refocus services around helping people to identify and manage conditions earlier.

“When we speak to people they say it is all about improving the flexibility to access more low level support when and for as long as they need, not sticking to a one-size-fits-all approach of pre-set care packages.

“Yet still too often we hear from those accessing mental health support and their families that they feel the clock is ticking, and that if they are not ‘better’ by the end of their course of counselling they will be left to cope on their own.

“This is just one of many areas where the Healthwatch network is providing insight into how people want services to change to make best use of resources and meet their needs.

“We are pleased the NHS and care services are listening, but we want to see every health professional make it their personal New Year’s resolution for 2016 to work with patients as partners in designing the future of services in England.”  

Responding Community and Social Care Minister, Alistair Burt, said:

"Mental health stigma is on the decline but there is more to do. We have given the NHS more money than ever before for mental health, with an increase to £11.7 billion last year, and are introducing access and waiting time targets for the first time.

"NHS England’s Mental Health Taskforce will report early in 2016 and the Department will look at a range of services for ensuring continued progress towards our commitment to parity of esteem. The additional £600 million over five years will support the development of this as part of the Government’s £10 billion commitment to the NHS.

“Investing an additional £600 million in mental health services will mean that significantly more people will have access to talking therapies every year by 2020 and the government will work to set out transformative plans.

“We have made great strides in the way that we think about and treat mental health in this country. As well as providing care for those in crisis, it is right that we invest in helping people early on so they can avoid that crisis and manage their conditions at home rather than in hospital.”

What was the public's top priority for 2015?

In 2015, the public’s top priority issue was improving access to primary care services.  Find out what people told us about their experiences of primary care and their views on how they would like to see the future.

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