Shortlist announced ahead of Healthwatch Network Awards 2017
Celebrated every year, the awards recognise the ways in which Healthwatch across the country have helped make people’s views of health and social care services heard.
There is a Healthwatch in every area of England. They speak to local people about their experiences of health and social care and share them with those designing and running services. Our sole purpose is to help make care better for people.
During the last year, Healthwatch spoke to over 296,000 people to find out what they think of local care. They visited a range of services – from care homes to GP surgeries to hospitals – to seek out people’s views, and to make sure that people from all areas of the community are heard.
These awards recognise the outstanding efforts the network has gone to during the last 12 months in order to help make sure that people are at the heart of care.
The local Healthwatch shortlisted for 2017 Healthwatch Network Awards were picked from over 150 award entries.
The ultimate winner from each category will be chosen by a panel of external judges and announced on Thursday 6 July 2017.
Main award categories
Engagement in service change
Healthwatch Suffolk
Healthwatch Wakefield
Healthwatch Kirklees
Healthwatch Cumbria
Healthwatch Reading
Engagement in service improvement
Healthwatch Norfolk
Healthwatch Torbay
Healthwatch Coventry
Healthwatch Newcastle
Healthwatch Isle of Wight
Advice and Information
Healthwatch Liverpool
Healthwatch York
Healthwatch Essex
Healthwatch Dorset
Healthwatch Wirral
Healthwatch Leeds
Healthwatch Rochdale
Healthwatch Southwark
Healthwatch Staffordshire
Healthwatch Wiltshire
Local Healthwatch working together
Healthwatch Essex, Healthwatch Norfolk, Healthwatch Suffolk, Healthwatch Hertfordshire, Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough
Healthwatch Greenwich, Healthwatch Bexley, Healthwatch Bromley, Healthwatch Lambeth, Healthwatch Lewisham and Healthwatch Southwark
Healthwatch Southwark and Healthwatch Lambeth
Healthwatch Stoke on Trent and Healthwatch Staffordshire
Special award categories
Diversity and inclusion
Healthwatch Surrey
Healthwatch Norfolk
Healthwatch Leeds
Healthwatch Wiltshire
NICE better care
Healthwatch Isle of Wight
Healthwatch Kirklees
Healthwatch East Sussex
Healthwatch Bradford
#ItStartsWithYou award
Volunteer Joely Colmer, working with Healthwatch Dorset
Sheltered housing resident Rosetta West and Melton Court Manager Fiona Smith, working with Healthwatch Dorset
Volunteer George Rook, working with Healthwatch Shropshire
Rebecca Loo, working with Healthwatch Staffordshire
A group of parents and carers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, working with Healthwatch West Sussex