Thousands of people's views, all in one place

Our reports library tool aims to help you search thousands of reports produced by local Healthwatch. Take a look and tell us what you think so that we can make it the best it can be.

We're making it easier to find information about people’s experiences of health and care. Our reports library tool helps you search thousands of reports produced by local Healthwatch.

So far we have 2,391 Healthwatch publications about health and care services, made up of over 420,000 views.

What kind of information can you expect to find?

Across the country, Healthwatch speak to people about their experiences of services, and how care could be improved. 

From mental health, to care homes, to people's experiences of leaving hospital, a whole host of subjects are covered in the reports library.

There's a local Healthwatch in every area of the country and each one focuses on the issues that matter most to the people in their communities.

Four examples of local Healthwatch reports:

  1. Perinatal mental health services by Healthwatch Suffolk: For this report, the team looked into people's experiences of perinatal mental health services and found that 42% of mothers did not feel that services supported their mental health. 

  2. The approach to information technology and online services for health & care by older Manchester residents by Healthwatch Manchester: This report explores older people's openness to and experiences of accessing online health and social care support.

  3. Access to and the experience of health and social care services for rough sleepers in West Berkshire by Healthwatch West Berkshire: The team found that 78% of people surveyed had not been to the dentist in the last 12 months.

  4. Exploring barriers of social prescribing by Healthwatch Shropshire: Healthwatch found that transport, lack of time and not knowing about social prescribing were some of the main things preventing people from accessing these services.

Tell us what you think

We're in the middle of uploading all of our reports at the moment, and fine-tuning the reports library's search function.

We want to know if you find this useful, and how we can improve it. Visit the library and take a couple of minutes to fill out our short survey. 

Reports library