Louise Ansari chosen to guide government's 10-year plan for health

Our Chief Executive, Louise Ansari, has been selected by the government to join the 11 advisory groups which will feed into its 10-year plan for health.

Our Chief Executive, Louise Ansari, has been selected by the government to join the 11 advisory groups that have been set up to inform the 10 year-plan for health, which is due to be published in May. 

Louise will co-chair the group covering access to healthcare. 

Louise said: "People appreciate the hard work of NHS staff, but they too often struggle to access the care they need when they need it, with long waits for referrals and hospital treatment.

“And it’s the most disadvantaged people in our society who continue to face unequal access to care, including disabled people, those on lower incomes and ethnic minority communities.

“I welcome the opportunity to sit on this group and will work to ensure that the diverse voices of patients are heard and shape the big decisions ahead.”

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