Tell us about your referral

We want to know more about your experience of referral for specialist treatment. Share your views in our confidential survey.
The mid adult female doctor points out something on the digital tablet as the mature adult male patient listens carefully.

Has your GP referred you for an assessment or treatment at a hospital or community clinic? Tell us about it in our confidential survey.

Why we’re asking 

It’s been two years since our last research on referrals, when we found evidence of a referrals “black hole”. People were left waiting without information or any updates on how their referral was moving forward. And lots of people told us how their referral failed, and they had to re-visit their GP or go to busy A&E departments for help. 

Two years later, there are still issues with access to specialist care. We want to understand more about what you are experiencing today.  

By sharing your story with us, you can help us to highlight what’s working and what’s not, and help us to call for the changes that are still needed to help people get the right care. 

What we need from you 

If you’ve had a GP referral in the last 12 months, please take a few minutes to share your experience with us. We’ll ask you some questions about things like: 

  • How many appointments it took for you to get your referral 
  • How long you were waiting between your referral and starting your specialist assessment or treatment 
  • What kind of support you had while you were waiting 
  • If there were any resources that would have been helpful to you 

Our survey is completely confidential, but you will have the option to let us know if you’d be interested in sharing your story with the media. 

Most of the questions have free text answers where you can share your experiences in your own words, in as much or as little detail as you like. 

Take part 

You can share your experiences in the survey below. 

Take our survey