Young people's mental health and wellbeing research

Find out what young people told us they want from mental health support and services.

About the research

Over the past three years, we've heard from over 20,000 young people about their experiences of mental health support. To gain a deeper understanding of this issues, we brought together 47 young people, aged 16-25, to talk about what affects their mental health, their current experiences of care, and what services can do to better support them.

This research was undertaken by DJS Research, an external agency that we commissioned for this work. 

Key findings

What do young people want their mental health support to look like?

  1. Better education and communication, such as mental health awareness days in school and regular mental health check-ups every six months.
  2. More options for treatment and personalised care, such as more flexible appointment times and access to different types of therapies.

  3. Opportunities for peer support with others who have a mental health condition. 


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