Our plan for 2022-23: Equalities, diversity and inclusion

Following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains clear that helping address health inequalities needs to continue to be a focus of our work.
In 2020, we committed to applying an Equalities Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lens across our work. To ensure we live up to this commitment, we publish an organisational action plan annually, setting out our approach.
This document sets out the steps we will take in 2022-23 and our progress.
Our National Committee scrutinises our delivery to help ensure we meet our objectives and live up to commitments that we have set.
Our objectives
Our plan aims to ensure that we meet the commitments to addressing EDI.
We will do this by:
- Ensuring that every piece of policy work we undertake is designed to deliver real-world impact that addresses issues relating to EDI.
- Ensuring that we continue to develop an evidence base that more accurately reflects the diversity of the communities we represent.
- Fostering a workforce culture that promotes and embraces EDI and demonstrates exemplary practices around equity.
- Involving more people from affected communities in our work and forming partnerships to help make change happen.
- Providing support to local Healthwatch to build the skills and evidence they need to challenge local health and care decision-makers to improve EDI.
- Conducting appropriate and proportionate equality impact assessments when planning our work.
Read our plan for 2022-23 and review of the past year
The report is also available in Large Print.
If you need this report in a different format, please email enquiries@healthwatch.co.uk or call 030000 68 3000.
What are our longer-term ambitions?
Our equalities, diversity and inclusion roadmap sets out what we want to achieve by 2024.