Our Annual Report 2021-22

NHS and social care services only make the best decisions if they listen to the people they care for. Read our Annual Report to Parliament to see how your feedback has helped decision-makers prioritise what matters most.

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What we've taken action on

In 2021-22, we supported more than two million people to have their say on care and get the right advice. Here are just some of the ways we made a difference:

Explored vaccine confidence with people from different backgrounds.

Highlighted the negative impact poor NHS admin can have.

Helped the Government update key hospital discharge guidance to put patient safety first.

Raised public concerns about how the NHS collects and uses patient data.

Pushed for improvements to non-emergency patient transport services.

Called for an urgent response to hospital waiting lists, and better interim communication.

Warned that improvements to NHS dentistry are too slow, leaving thousands in pain.

Uncovered that only a third of NHS Trusts fully comply with their duty to help patients with sensory impairments and learning disabilities.

Campaigned for everyone to be given healthcare information in a way they understand.

People's first hand experiences

Lydia's story

Lydia, from Somerset, struggled to find an NHS dentist in her area for a long time. Eventually, she gave in and reached out to a private provider. Lydia said:

“Sitting in the dentist’s office, listening to the list of treatments, the cost of £1,100 brought me to tears. These costs were on top of the £50 I had to spend to have the appointment. Whenever I eat and feel a twinge my heart drops. I panic that something terrible is happening. There’s no version of private dentistry that’s affordable. The word affordable is a slap in the face.”

Connor's story

Women listens to information on her phone

Connor is studying for a Masters in Social and Public Policy in Leeds. He is blind and needs healthcare information in electronic formats as well as in braille.

“Trying to get information about my own healthcare, in a format I can understand, has often been difficult. I can’t read letters that come through the post, or prescription medications. I feel forgotten, ignored, and not taken seriously. All I’m asking for is consistency, training on accessible information for staff - a few minor changes would make the world of difference to people like myself. I want to be able to take responsibility for myself, and good accessibility gives me the choice and freedom to do that. When it’s accessible, there’s nothing I can’t do.”

What next?

The NHS and social care system, which we value and rely on, faces enormous challenges. Millions of people are currently on NHS waiting lists for vital surgery and treatment. Waiting times at A&E departments have risen. Seeing essential community services, like a GP or dentist, has become more difficult. And there's a similar picture in social care.

Our Interim Chair, Belinda Black,  sets out how we will to help address the health and care challenges our nation faces in our report.

Restoring confidence and building the health and care system we all want will not be easy. But, if NHS and social care decision-makers work with communities and put people’s voices at the heart of work to improve care, I believe that together we can. And this is where Healthwatch can play a vital role.

Belinda Black

Three ways we'll play our part:

  1. Continue to support those who face the most signficant health inequalities
  2. Focus on the areas where people are facing the biggest challenges
  3. Work to ensure patients have a strong voice in plans as the NHS reorganises itself into Integrated Care Systems.

Read the full report

Download our annual report 'Together we can'. 

The report is also available in Easy Read and Large Print. 

If you need this report in a different format, please email enquiries@healthwatch.co.uk or call 030000 68 3000.

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