Our response to draft NICE guidance on social care for older people with multiple long term conditions
The new draft guidance focuses on:
A need for better integration of health and social care services
A need for more personal, individualised care
A need for better integration between social care and community services, to reduce isolation among the elderly
In response to the new draft NICE guidance our Chair, Anna Bradley, said:
"We know that a lack of integration between health and social care services often means older people with long term health conditions do not receive the care and support they are entitled to and do not know how to complain when things go wrong.
"We hope this new draft guidance will help focus providers and professionals on working together to ensure that people are not falling through the gaps in health and social care and left without adequate care and support.
"It will also provide local Healthwatch with a means of identifying where standards are lower than they should be for this patient group and give them a firm basis for challenging and advising providers and commissioners to deliver the compassionate, individualised care people need."