New vision to help patients get the best out of the NHS using technology

In a speech tomorrow, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is expected to announce a new vision for the NHS outlining how technology will be used to make it easier for people to access care and support.

The Government’s aim is that every patient will be able to do the following online or via an app by the end of 2018:

  • Access NHS 111

  • Access their healthcare record

  • Book a GP appointment

  • Order repeat prescriptions

  • Express their organ donation preferences

  • Express their data sharing preferences

  • Access support for managing a long term condition.

In response to the announcement, National Director of Healthwatch England, Imelda Redmond, said:

“The vision set out by the Secretary of State directly addresses what patients and the broader public have told Healthwatch they want from a modern NHS, and is a huge step forward in ensuring all of us get the sort of integrated service we have come to expect in many other areas of life."

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