Our response to the introduction of the NHS data opt-out

From 25 May 2018 people will be given the choice to opt out of sharing their patient information with the NHS for reasons other than their individual care. Read our response.
A woman is standing at an information booth and smiling. She is speaking to another woman, whose back is to the camera. In the background a Healthwatch branded sign saying 'your voice counts'

The NHS has introduced a new data opt-out programme, giving people the right to choose whether their confidential patient information is used for reasons other than their individual care, for example for research or planning purposes.

Commenting on the introduction of the patient data opt-out and Healthwatch England’s research on public attitudes to data sharing in the NHS, Jacob Lant, Head of Policy at Healthwatch England, said:

Our conversations with people over the last three years have consistently shown that the public trust the NHS with their data. Indeed our latest survey shows they have more faith in health and care services to use data appropriately and keep it safe than any other sector, including retail, banking and other public services.

“Most people also support their patient data being used to inform research and improve the delivery of care. Our latest poll suggests three in four back the idea.

“But whilst overall support remains strong, high profile scandals around the use of data run the risk of eroding public support.

“The opt-out coming in to force is not the end of the debate of how data is used. It must be seen as the start of a new phase for the health and care sector, one that will require the NHS to continually make the case and demonstrate why it is so important that we make our data available to them.”

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