Our response to CQC's "Driving improvement: Case studies from nine adult social care services"

Today, the CQC published a new report "Driving improvement: Case studies from nine adult social care services", which provides an insight into care services that achieved a significant improvement on their rating.

The report looks at services that were rated inadequate, the challenges they had to overcome, and how they got back on track. It also highlights the experiences of a wide range of people using the care services, as well as professionals. 

Commenting on the report, our National Director, Imelda Redmond CBE said:

“The report confirms what the public has told us; the best care homes and providers of care at home speak regularly with people to understand what’s going well and where things can be improved. Providing care personalised to the individual is a key part of driving quality improvement in adult social care. Getting the basics right is what we expect for our loved ones and ourselves should we need care support. 

“People who use social care should be at the heart of shaping services. As Healthwatch has consistently highlighted, the most important features of good quality care are; it is person-centred, care plans are detailed, realistic, of good quality and regularly reviewed and staff having the time to care. 

“I would urge anyone who wants to share their experiences, good or bad, of using social care to get in touch with us.”

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