Our response to NHS England's proposals to update the legislation for how the NHS works at a regional level

NHS England wants to change how NHS works at a regional level, read our response to their proposals.
A female clinician in a white coat and face mask is talking to a woman in a patterned dress.

The NHS wants to establish an Integrated Care System (ICS) in every part of England.

An ICS brings together NHS, local authority, and third sector bodies to work in partnership to improve care planning and delivery in a region.

In late 2020, NHS England and NHS Improvement launched a consultation on their plans to update health and care legislation to make it easier for ICSs to work effectively

For example, the proposals include giving ICSs more power to decide what services are needed and how they spend health and care funding.

Our response

In our response to the consultation, we ask for more detail about:

  • What the plans will mean for local communities?
  • How will ICSs involve local people in decisions and be accountable to communities?


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