New NHS waiting list for treatment figures - our response

With the NHS experiencing the busiest summer on record, the waiting list for treatment has hit a new high, according to latest figures. Read our response.
Female doctor showing a patient their x ray results on a digital screen

The NHS’ waiting list for treatment has hit a new high, new data shows.

A total of 6.8 million people were waiting to start treatment at the end of July, up 6.7 million in June and is the highest number since records began. Those waiting over a year increased by 21,915 to 377,689 people, with a median wait remaining 13.3 weeks.

The news comes amid the busiest summer on record for emergency care and according to NHS England there were 8,479 patients in hospital with Covid-19 each day this summer. 

Chris McCann, campaigns director at Healthwatch England said:

“With record numbers continuing to wait for treatment, people need reassuring that the NHS is still there to help them, that they haven’t been forgotten and that the information and support they need are available while they wait. Help with things like pain relief and mental health support are particularly important to the patients we’ve spoken to.

And while the NHS have been looking at ways of reducing the time patients wait, measures to allow faster access have to work for everyone.

Offering people earlier treatment somewhere other than their local hospital has worked well. We want to see this choice extended to more people, with transport costs also covered. Without this, quicker care across the country will only be an option to those who can afford to travel.”

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