NHS cuts elective backlog with longest waiters - our response

NHS cuts elective backlog with longest waiters down a quarter in one month. Read our response.
Female patient being pushed in wheelchair through ward by nurse

NHS staff across England have reduced the number of patients waiting more than a year and a half by over a quarter in just one month, despite the busiest winter ever.

The total number waiting more than 18 months has fallen by 27% from 54,382 on 15 January to 39,903 as of 12 February.

Louise Ansari, our national director said: 

“It’s promising to see that the NHS is getting back on track to treat people on waiting lists sooner.  

“We know that long waits can have a huge impact on people’s day‑to‑day lives, on the pain they may live with, and on their mental health. We also know that long waiting times for treatment can particularly affect women, disabled people, people from minority ethnic backgrounds and those on lower incomes.

“NHS staff have worked incredibly hard to see as many people as possible who had been waiting over 18 months for treatment. We look forward to this work continuing for the benefit of even more patients, including providing more support to people as they wait for treatment. With more emphasis on regular communications, pain relief and access to mental health support, the NHS can ensure people don’t feel forgotten during their long wait.”

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