1. Response -

    Proposed legislative changes to the way the NHS in England is run have been welcomed today by an influential cross-party group of MPs.
  2. Response -

    We share our response to the latest figures from the GP patient survey.
  3. Response -

    The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman's Annual Review of Adult Social Care Complaints has revealed it is investigating a greater proportion of complaints than previous years. Read our response in full.
  4. Response -

    Care Quality Commission's report today shows 'perfect storm' brewing for people using mental health and learning disability services.
  5. Response -

    Sir Robert Francis QC, Chair of Healthwatch England responds on behalf of our staff and volunteers.
  6. Response -

    We have written a letter to NHS England to express our disappointment at the lack of progress in reviewing the legally-binding Accessible Information Standard.
  7. Response -

    NHS maternity delivery plan includes steps that new mothers have told us would help to improve mental health support. Read our response.
  8. Response -

    Healthwatch England welcomes NHS England’s simplification of cancer waiting times data. A simplified care timeline can help patients and their loved ones to have a better understanding of what milestones and timelines they can expect during their cancer treatment journey.
  9. Response -

    Care Quality Commission has today published its annual State of Care report, highlighting that a combination of cost-of-living crisis and workforce pressures risks ‘unfair care’ for many people. Read our response.