Our annual report 2017/18

Last year 406,567 people told us what matters most to them about health and social care. These views have been placed into over 2,000 reports, informing services about the improvements that people would like to see.


The Healthwatch network heard from 406,567 people, carers and staff during the last year about what they think of health and social care services.

We take a closer look at the top four themes that people commonly experience across services and how we have made a difference.

From helping people with a disability or sensory loss to get better access to information, to raising awareness of emergency readmissions, Healthwatch continues to work hard to ensure that people are placed at the heart of care. 


We have also produced What Matters Most in Easy Read and Large Print.

If you need this report in a different format, please email enquiries@healthwatch.co.uk or call 03000 68 3000.

Download the report
Download the Easy Read
Download the Large Print

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