Our equality, diversity and inclusion statement and action plan

Equality, diversity, and inclusion are at the heart of our values. This statement and plan shows how we plan to ensure everyone should have a fair and equal experience using health and social care, particularly those who may face discrimination.

As an organisation whose sole purpose is to give a strong and powerful voice to people who often go unheard, the Equality Act serves as the minimum for our work. We believe that everyone should have a fair and equal experience using health and social care.

Our approach

Our approach to these issues is more important than ever, as we seek to understand and mitigate the different and disproportionate impact that COVID-19 is having on people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act.

We will design our programmes of work to meet the diverse needs of the population we represent and challenge inequality in the following ways. We will:

  • Work to ensure our evidence base more accurately represents the diversity of the communities we serve.
  • Use our evidence base to ensure that, where possible, every piece of policy work we undertake is designed to deliver real-world impact that addresses issues relating to equality, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Involve and consult with individuals and groups with specific experience of issues relating to equalities, diversity, and inclusion as necessary. Develop our services through local and national partnerships where appropriate.
  • Provide support so Healthwatch locally understand their duties under the Equalities Act, and in identifying the opportunities for progressing this policy.
  • Conduct appropriate and proportionate equality impact assessments.

Our plan for 2020-21

Our work plan lays out the steps we will take to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our activity during 2020-21.


Download our statement

Download our plan

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