Our response to CQC's report on driving improvement in hospital care
For a struggling hospital to turn itself around it is absolutely vital that patients, front line staff and hospital bosses work as a team to identify problems and fix them together.
The report 'Driving improvement:Case studies from eight NHS trusts' looks at the perspectives of staff, patients and local patient representative groups that represent them and highlights how engaging and empowering staff has been critical in driving up quality.
Responding to the CQC’s report, Imelda Redmond, National Director of Healthwatch England, said:
"For a struggling hospital to turn itself around it is absolutely vital that patients, front line staff and hospital bosses work as a team to identify problems and fix them together.
"It's good to see the CQC's report celebrating where this is already happening, with the examples shared a real endorsement of the value of local Healthwatch in helping hospitals better understand those they serve.
"To help us drive these sorts of improvements right across the country I urge people to speak up, share their experiences with their local Healthwatch and find out how they can get involved."
Find out more
Read the Care Quality Commission's report 'Driving Improvement:Case studies from NHS Trusts' in full.