1. Report -

    77 local Healthwatch have identified mental health services as a key priority for 2016.
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    A survey conducted by charity Viewpoint found that there was just one support group for this community, that people wanted better information about the help available.
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    Autism diagnosis waiting times was the top complaint received at Cheshire East Clinical Commissioning Group. The local Healthwatch listened to over 200 carers to find out more about their experiences.
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    NHS England publishes its ambitions for the health service for 2016/17
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    One in three people said yes when asked this question in a recent England wide poll. We spoke to Healthwatch Cornwall to find out more about changing attitudes to pharmacy services.
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    The Government has published what it wants the NHS to deliver over the next 12 months, including a new target to reduce the delays people can face when leaving hospital.
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    Over three years local Healthwatch has managed to recruit over 6,000 volunteers who work tirelessly to find out what people think about health and social care services. But what makes someone give up their time for an organisation in their community?
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    In some instances, people with learning disabilities cannot access the support they need to live independently. We look at how one local Healthwatch has been working to challenge unequal access to services for people in their area.
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    The Department of Health has today started advertising for a new chair to lead Healthwatch England through the changing landscape of health and social care.

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    The shortlist has been unveiled for the 2016 Healthwatch Network Awards. The annual awards celebrate the difference local Healthwatch across the country have made to health and social care at a local and national level.
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    With a report out today highlighting that one in three women do not feel they are always given the information they need during labour, we take a look at what people have been telling local Healthwatch about maternity services.

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    We take a look at how people's experiences across England have already helped to challenge barriers and improve accessibility in health and care.
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    As the year comes to a close, we look back on some of the great things the Healthwatch network has achieved this year.
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    For some young people, life can be stressful. We look at the work one local Healthwatch is doing to help young people raise awareness of the challenges that affect their mental wellbeing.
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    Today’s announcement by NHS England of a drive to improve orthotic services will come as welcome news to patients who depend upon services to help improve their mobility, independence and help with pain relief.
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    Five ways pharmacies can improve sexual health support for young people.

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    Find out what happened when one Healthwatch Bolton worked with their local hospital to improve access for people with disabilities.
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    We look at what recent public polling tells us about people's desire to provide feedback to help care services improve.
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    With one week left to respond to NHS proposals to curb prescriptions for certain treatments available over the counter, find out about the concerns the public have shared with us.
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    With a diverse population, it is important that local health and care services understand the needs of every section of their community. Read one example of how local Healthwatch is helping this to happen.
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    Health and social care services are changing, but how effective are they at involving the public? Our National Director shared the experiences of local Healthwatch with the Health and Social Care Select Committee.
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    Choosing care services for a loved one is more stressful than getting married, according to new research.
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    Guidance from NICE, developed with the help of Healthwatch Surrey, highlights how you should be an equal partner in your care. Alice Maynard, Chair of the Guideline Committee explains more.
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    After reviewing over 150 entries, we are pleased to announce all of the finalists for the Healthwatch Network Awards 2017.
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    Almost two thirds (64%) of people in Britain say they are happy for their personal health data to be used to support research as long as it is anonymised, bu less than 1 in 5 say they feel properly informed about current data sharing plans.
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    Find out what people in Devon told their local Healthwatch about their experiences of using gender identity services.
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    The Care Quality Commission is calling on people to act with caution when using online medical services.
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    Volunteers play a vital role at Healthwatch, helping the public have their say in health and social care. To celebrate Student Volunteering Week, we spoke to Helen about what she learned during her time as a student volunteer with Healthwatch Leeds.
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    Last year 4,700 volunteers gave up time to help their local Healthwatch make a difference to health and social care in their community.
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    A 24-year-old woman in Dorset has been leading the charge in helping health and care services in the county understand the issues affecting young people.
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    Across the country reforms are underway to ensure that health and social care services provide a good quality and seamless experience for people. The public understand the need for change, but also want to be involved in decisions.
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    Almost 300,000 people have shared their stories in the last year to help improve care. Our new #ItStartsWithYou campaign highlights the difference patient feedback can make.
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    Last year local Healthwatch engaged over 300,000 people across England to help understand people’s experiences of care, but how do they do it?

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    Our country’s health and care services face big challenges. We are living longer, but more people need help with long-term health conditions, adding pressures to services. This demand for support comes at a time when the cost of care is increasing.
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    Local Healthwatch go on tour to see what men in the pubs and clubs of Blackburn with Darwen really think about health and care services.
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    We're delighted to welcome seven new members to the Healthwatch England Committee.
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    Concerns raised by the public indicate services need better information to ensure timely support to those in need.
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    Find out how one local Healthwatch has been showing GP practices how small changes can make a big difference to patients’ experiences of visiting the doctor.
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    Young carers have a lot of added responsibilities compared to other people their age. Find out four ways they’ve told us they could be better supported.
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    People’s patient records have a vital role to play in informing medical research and changes to health and social care services. Together with YouGov, we polled 2,044 people earlier this year, to find out more about their views on sharing their data.
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    When hospital discharge goes wrong, it comes at a cost to both individuals and the health and social care system.
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    The needs of young people looking after a relative with an illness or disability aren’t always understood, and they often don’t realise they are carers.
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    Published today, the Care Quality Commission’s five year strategy, includes a greater focus on using the voices of patients, service users and their families, along with other information, to target inspections.
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    We need your views and ideas to make sure that health and social care services work for those who use them. Help us shape our new strategy, which launches in 2018.
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    New guidance has been published about how Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and NHS England should engage people in work to improve health and care services.
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    Have you had to make a complaint? Take our poll to see how your experience measured up against other people's.
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    People share their experiences about health and care with Healthwatch every day. We spoke to our Intelligence Coordinator, Penny Manika to understand how the information you share with your local Healthwatch helps to change and improve services.
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    For people who have autism and their families, visiting the GP can be stressful. We look at six ways that staff in GP surgeries can help improve patient experience.