1. News -

    When Healthwatch Trafford spoke to people with ME and CFS, they found that over 76% felt their GP didn’t understand their condition. Find out how they think support could be improved.
  2. Response -

    We have written to the Department of Health outlining our concerns about the safety of people using health and care services that aren’t currently regulated.
  3. Response -

    The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published the findings of an Inquiry into detainment of mental health patients today.
  4. Response -

    New report outlines practical approaches to tackle the cause of delayed transfers of care.
  5. Response -

    New guidance to help hospitals ensure that there are the right number of midwifery staff to provide care for women and their babies.
  6. News -

    Find out how one simple suggestion from deaf people in Dudley led to a better experience of visiting hospital.
  7. Response -

    New statistics show that nearly half of 15-year olds and a third of 12-year olds had obvious tooth decay.
  8. Response -

    New report states GPs spend almost a fifth of their consultation time dealing with non-health issues, such as personal relationship problems, housing and unemployment.
  9. News -

    We need your views and ideas to make sure that health and social care services work better for everyone. Share your views and help shape our future strategy.
  10. Response -

    We have written to the Local Government Association to discuss how we can work together to ensure that Clinical Commissioning Groups involve the public in decision making processes.
  11. Response -

    Latest statistics show an overall increase in delayed discharge from hospital settings over 12 months
  12. News -

    Small and simple changes can help make a big difference to people's experiences of health and social care. Find out how a hospital has helped make visits easier for children after one mum spoke up.
  13. Response -

    The Regulation of Dental Services Programme Board has released a report reviewing dental regulation and inspection in England, outlines seven key areas of improvement and agreed actions and how it can be made more effective.
  14. Response -

    New report finds that while patient satisfaction with access to General Practice remains high, it is declining.
  15. News -

    The Healthwatch network heard from 341,000 people last year about what they think of health and social care services. Today we share a summary of what people like and what could be improved, via our fifth annual report to Parliament, Speak Up.
  16. Response -

    A third of people are dissatisfied with availability of appointments at their GP and almost half struggle to book an out of hours appointment according to a review by Monitor. Read our response.
  17. Response -

    We have written to NHS England to assess to Clinical Commissioning Groups can involve local Healthwatch in changes to how health and care services are run.
  18. Response -

    Today the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons has published a new report on Improving older people’s oral health.
  19. News -

    When home care services were due to be recommissioned in Newcastle, local Healthwatch went out to speak to people being looked after in their own homes to find out what they wanted.
  20. Response -

    New guidance from NICE aims to help hospitals have a safe level of hospital staff to ensure good patient care.
  21. Response -

    Read our submission to the government consultation on proposed data security standards and data sharing in the NHS and social care.
  22. Response -

    Findings from CQC’s survey show that too many people are experiencing delays in leaving hospital.
  23. News -

    New figures show that emergency readmissions to hospital have risen by a fifth since 2012/13. Find out more about what our new analysis of emergency readmissions data tells us.
  24. Response -

    Free flu vaccines for care home staff and increased number of jabs for young children in schools will be made available to try and increase the uptake of vaccinations this winter.
  25. Response -

    Our perspective on the commission to review the proposed extension to the Duty of Candour.
  26. Response -

    45,000 people who received urgent and emergency services shared their views on their care with CQC. Find out what the results said.
  27. Response -

    New report proposes a shift in how urgent and emergency care is provided.
  28. News -

    Women and families are getting the help they need after suffering the loss of a baby, thanks to support from people who have been through the same thing.
  29. News -

    At the first public meeting of Healthwatch England, Anna Bradley announced Dr Katherine Rake as Chief Executive.
  30. News -

    The NHS wants to know which drugs and treatments you think should be made available on prescription.
  31. Response -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) today publishes its annual analysis of the quality of health and adult social care in England. Read our response

  32. News -

    In our new briefing - What happens when people leave hospital and other care settings? – we share what over 2,000 people told local Healthwatch about their experiences of being discharged.
  33. Response -

    Latest monthly data from NHS England shows that the proportion of delays caused by issues relating to social care have increased.
  34. Response -

    NHS England has released new statistics that show target to reduce delayed transfers of care to 3.5% has not been met.
  35. Response -

    Proposals published by Staffordshire County Council could seriously damage the ability of local residents to have their say on the running of hospitals, GP surgeries and care homes across the county.
  36. News -

    The number of people visiting A&E in 2016 increased by 5.3% to 23.57 million. To better understand why more people have been visiting A&E, Healthwatch Reading spoke to patients to find out about their experience.
  37. Response -

    New statistics show that there were 24,900 new written complaints in the first quarter of 2015/16. Read our response.
  38. News -

    Young carers are often left feeling isolated when their caring responsibilities prevent them from accessing the same opportunities as their friends. Find out what one local Healthwatch has been doing to understand more about their experiences.
  39. Response -

    A report from the National Audit Office published today has found that the way older patients are discharged from hospital does not represent value for money. Read our response.
  40. Response -

    Our evidence to the Select Committee helps inform new report on Young People’s mental health.
  41. News -

    Carers play a vital role in supporting people who are frail, ill or disabled, but, in doing so, carers often become vulnerable themselves. We look at one example of how local Healthwatch is working to find out if carers could be better supported.

  42. Response -

    New report from the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman finds three key issues with how investigations into serious incidents in the NHS are conducted. Read our response.
  43. News -

    Over the last year, the number of local Healthwatch citing improvements to home care services as a priority for their community has doubled. Our new report explains what people have told Healthwatch about their experience of home care.
  44. News -

    Angela’s idea has helped make it easier for people in Islington to speak to their social worker on the phone.
  45. Response -

    The Committee of Public Accounts urges new measures to tackle scale and cost of delays in discharging patients from hospital. Read our response.
  46. Response -

    With the public wanting more control of their own health and care, we welcome Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s plans to increase patient power.
  47. News -

    Thousands of volunteers give up their time to find out what people around the country think of health and care every year. Find out about one Healthwatch’s award-winning approach to recruiting volunteers.
  48. Response -

    Latest statistics show a notable increase in delayed discharge from hospital settings over 12 months. Read our response.