1. Response -

    Today, NHS England revealed its plans to fund an additional £2.4 billion per year for GP services by 2020/21 to help improve patient care and access.
  2. News -

    The past year has shown what is possible when services engage people as equal partners in improving care. This needs to happen more if health reforms are to be successful.

  3. News -

    Between January 2016 and April 2017, local Healthwatch visited 197 care homes across 63 different local authority areas in England to find out what life is really like for people living in care homes. Our new report explains what we found.
  4. News -

    The quality of support offered in care homes has improved because residents spoke up about what they wanted.
  5. Response -

    Results from the latest GP Patient Survey shows patient satisfaction is declining.
  6. News -

    Healthwatch Bedford Borough has taken part in the first child-led campaign launched to tackle avoidable blindness in the UK.
  7. News -

    Local teen is driving force behind campaign to improve mental health support in Worcestershire.
  8. News -

    Our National Director talks about the importance of everyone having their say on what should be available on prescription.
  9. News -

    Find out about our celebration of the contribution made by local staff and volunteers who helped gather more than half a million people's views last year.
  10. Report -

    Take a look at the award winning stories from this year's Healthwatch Network Awards.
  11. Blog -

    Last year, thousands of women told us about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy – including those who lost their babies. As part of Baby Loss Awareness Week, we're sharing stories people have shared.
  12. Blog -

    For Baby Loss Awareness Week, we're sharing stories people have shared about the impact that miscarriage and stillbirth had on their mental health, and how the support given to parents should improve.
  13. Blog -

    In our blog for Baby Loss Awareness Week, people share their experience of baby loss, the impact it had on their mental health and the support they wish they’d received.
  14. News -

    Before he sadly passed away in May 2019, Mike Chapman went out of his way to use his experience to help make care better for people affected by cancer. Mike was recognised for his outstanding achievement at the Healthwatch Network Awards 2019.
  15. Response -

    Care Quality Commission's report today shows 'perfect storm' brewing for people using mental health and learning disability services.
  16. Report -

    We asked the Healthwatch network what the most important health and social care issues were for local residents. Find out more.
  17. Response -

    Today the CQC published results from its patient experience survey of accident and emergency departments. Read our response.
  18. News -

    Our research shows that the public value a wide range of factors when it comes to good care in A&E, which is why we're working with the NHS to ensure new measures take people’s full experiences into consideration.
  19. News -

    Thousands of people share their experiences of health and care with Healthwatch every month. Download our briefing to find out the key issues people are raising about GPs, hospitals and other care services.
  20. Report -

    Take a look at our papers for our November Committee Meeting.
  21. Report -

    Find out what the public has been telling us about health and social care from July to September this year.

    This briefing also looks at emerging themes across services and examines what people have been telling us about support for incontinence.
  22. News -

    Being discharged from hospital isn’t just about going home – it’s about the care and support you receive afterwards too. Read about two local Healthwatch who have won an award for working together to help people in south London get what they need.
  23. Response -

    In response to NHS England consultation, we outline our expectations in terms of good consultation and engagement practice.
  24. News -

    Our reports library tool aims to help you search thousands of reports produced by local Healthwatch. Take a look and tell us what you think so that we can make it the best it can be.
  25. Advice and Information -

    Can't find an NHS dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems finding an NHS dentist taking new patients.
  26. News -

    A Shropshire man with dementia has been using his experiences to help improve support for local people with the disease.
  27. News -

    Listening to feedback and learning from it is vital to improve quality of service. We have launched a new toolkit to help councils, care staff and services work together to build a positive culture around complaints and the opportunities to learn.
  28. News -

    We spoke to 47 young people to find out how they want extra funding to be used, so they can access the mental health support they need.
  29. Advice and Information -

    Did you know that pharmacies provide advice and information on minor illnesses and ailments? Find out how they can help you.
  30. News -

    Patients struggling to access GP services helped by Healthwatch Hertfordshire
  31. News -

    Parents and carers of autistic children have won an award for their work training staff at GP surgeries in Crawley to make their practices more autism-friendly.
  32. News -

    The Healthwatch Network Awards recognise the ways in which Healthwatch across the country have helped make people’s views of health and social care services heard over the last 12 months. Take a look at our winners this year.
  33. Blog -

    We all love the NHS, but it can’t improve without our help. That’s why we’re asking people to share their experience of services, so care can be made better for everyone.
  34. News -

    New campaign calls on the public to their experiences of NHS services to help make care better for all.
  35. Report -

    Hospitals need to do more to show patients how the NHS is learning from mistakes. Read our latest report to find out more.
  36. Blog -

    Sir Robert Francis QC explains how hospitals can cultivate public trust in complaints. Read more.
  37. Response -

    Should there be ‘Ofsted-style’ ratings for health and social care providers? We share our views.
  38. Blog -

    Over 336,000 people shared their views with Healthwatch about their experience of health and social care, including the changes that they would like to see made following the release of the NHS Long Term Plan. Take a look at last year's highlights.
  39. Report -

    Last year, Healthwatch supported over 336,000 people to share their story about health and social care. These views resulted in over 7,200 recommendations to services about the improvements that people would like to see.
  40. News -

    NHS England publish their first in their series of regular updates about what they are doing to improve gender identity services.
  41. Response -

    Read our response to the news that the testing of changes to the maximum waiting times for non-urgent treatment will be extended.
  42. News -

    A 96-year-old sheltered housing resident and manager have helped improve ambulance services in Dorset.
  43. News -

    With more than 11 million people in the UK with some form of hearing loss, it is important that health services understand their needs. Find out about the action one Healthwatch took when concerns were raised about accessing local GP services.
  44. Report -

    Find out what young people told us they want from mental health support and services.
  45. Blog -

    Student Rebecca explains how volunteering has helped her put what she’s learnt at university into practice.
  46. News -

    Almost all GP practices in Southampton routinely ask for proof of identity, potentially denying many people access to care in Southampton.
  47. Advice and Information -

    75% of children and young people who experience mental health problems aren't getting the help they need.